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Let’s NEIGHBOR well! At Mountain Ridge, we believe that each of us is placed in our specific homes and neighborhoods for a reason. So if that’s the case, then knowing our neighbors and serving them is part of each of our individual callings. That can take shape in many forms from organizing emergency response plans, to creating a network to look out for a shut-in, to helping each other keep up yards. But it all begins by developing friendships and what better way to do that, then with a party? A Block Party to be specific!

The following pages include ideas and tips on how to create a great event for your neighborhood! It’s a starting place of ideas, so be creative and come up with your ideas as well.

While you and your neighbors get together and make it happen, there are some things you can count on your church to do. We will help in the following ways:

       • loaning chairs and tables as available
       • customizing and printing enclosed promotional materials

       • loaning other game supplies and bounce house as available


As you plan for your event, just let us know what you need and reserve it. All we ask is that you give us enough lead-time so we can serve you in this way.

Happy Neighboring,

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